Our sisterhood is more than a feeling. It’s what connects us to each other during college and for a lifetime.

GPHI’s will always be True and Constant friends.


Connections made here aren’t just for college days, but for a lifetime. Sisters will be there for you from college on to support and guide you. Our sisterhood is “True and Constant” because it’s rooted in deep connections and will always be there for you.


Throughout the school year, the chapter hosts events for sisters to connect and make new friends. From movie and game nights to fun Atlanta-area outtings, sisters always have new ways to meet others and bond over shared interests and hobbies!


Each semester and over the summer, Zeta Omega hosts larger-scale activities called “retreats” meant to build our sisterhood. These activities are highly anticipated and one of the highlights of the year!


Every summer, Gamma Phi Beta at Kennesaw State hosts a retreat at the Gamma Phi Beta chapter facility at the University of Georgia. Here, sisters learn the different methods of recruitment while bonding with other sisters!


“Zeta Omega is my home away from home. The opportunities and genuine friendships it has brought into my life is something I am forever thankful for!”

Emily Gold, President.

PC Fall 2021

“Gphi is like my second family I didn’t know I needed. I’ve made friendships I never would’ve thought i’d make. I definitely know some of these girls are coming to my wedding.”

Zoe Altschul, PC Fall 2023

“GPHI has provided me the true definition of sisterhood. GPHI represents a community of supportive sisters, a platform for confidence building, and a home away from home. No matter what kind of day it is, I always have my girls to back me up.”

Casey Nelson, EVP.

PC Fall 2021